Photo of Attorneys M Brack Massey Charles R Hardee and Kyle M Blodgett

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On Behalf of | May 21, 2021 | Distracted Driving

Most people do not think of their car as a “workplace,” however lots of people use a car as transportation to and from a job – so in a sense, driving could be considered a job, and it is one of the most dangerous jobs out there.

When you get behind the wheel, your mind has to be focused on other vehicles (trucks, motorcycles, bikes, and cars), the speed limit, road conditions, pedestrians and more. No matter how far you are driving, a mile or hundreds, safety matters when you get behind the wheel.

Before you ever start your car, you should be looking at your vehicle and making sure everything is in good working order according to Automotive Fleet. If the car you are driving is unfamiliar to you, such as a rental, be sure you take time to locate important controls such as wipers and lights and adjust the seat and mirrors before you head out. You don’t want to be distracted trying to find them later.

Multitasking may be part of most jobs, but it should not be part of driving. Any distraction increases your chances of being involved in a car accident. There are three basic reactions that can be affected by distractions: the time it takes to perceive a situation, the time it takes to act on that information and the time it takes your vehicle to complete the response. Even a split-second delay in your reaction time can lead to an accident. Be sure to pull over before using your phone. Use your navigation tools before taking off on long trips – do not try to type while driving. Build time into your travel plans to stop and eat. And if possible, keep items you may be tempted to use in your trunk and the things you may need, like sunglasses, close in hand.

More than half of all serious injuries and fatalities from car crashes involve people not buckled up or not buckled in properly. Make sure you buckle up before heading out. Make sure you follow posted speed limits and watch for changing conditions based on weather. Make sure you pull over if you feel tired or drowsy and never drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

This blog is provided by Hardee, Massey & Blodgett for informational purposes only.